Davidson Cemetery

The Davidson Cemetery located east of Strawn on the old Johnson mine spur, is one of the largest and most picturesque family cemeteries in Texas.

Davidson started the cemetery in July 1864. It was on Davidson’s original farm and ranchland that a man by the name of James Reed was killed by the Indians. James Reed’s decendents placed a permanent marker on his grave in 1989.

The land was donated in 1862 by the Stuart and Strawn families who were early settlers of the area and friends of the Davidsonsons. The area was originally a trading post or fort called Davidson’s Fort. It was used as a hospitality center where travelers and prospectors were welcomed and entertained.

Davidson was a surveryor of the old Palo Pinto Land District and helped many settlers locate good land. He did the survey for them without thought of remuneration. Davidson died of pneumonia March 13, 1897.